Campaign for Unborn Children

Fifty-two percent of participating Catholics voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election for president of the United States* despite his strong support for abortion.  Not only has he promised to remove any obstacles to obtaining abortions, he has promoted abortion in other countries.

What can we conclude from this?

Most Catholics in the U.S. do not seriously consider the horror and magnitude of the abortion problem.  They are indifferent.

The Catholic Church hierarchy did not communicate a convincing message to the faithful against voting for pro-abortion candidates.

Our Mission

Our mission is to convince good men and women of the evil of abortion and of the need to speak out to others, as well as providing them with tools to speak out more effectively. Our mission currently has three areas of focus:

  • Addressing the high number of abortions among the black community in Georgia.
  • Confronting the fact that many Catholics are indifferent to the abortion issue, support pro-abortion candidates, and support to organizations promoting abortion through donations collected by the U.S. bishops.
  • Encouraging the use of graphic images to communicate the reality of abortion to others.

We want good Catholic men and women to look long and hard at the photos of aborted, murdered babies and we want them to grieve over their deaths.

We want these same good people to examine their consciences and ask if they have done all that they should have done to stop this great evil.  We want them to feel sad because they have done so little to defend these little ones.

We want the people who voted for pro-abortion candidates to feel contrition for helping bring about the death of innocent children.

We want realization, sadness, Confession, commitment, planning, and action.

We want pro-life Catholics to show others the reality of abortion.

Without graphic images abortion is just a word.

Lukewarm education attempts are ineffective at getting people to confront the reality of abortion.   People are not actively pro-life if they are not taking concrete actions to save lives or educate others.  If they are not actively pro-life they are no better than indifferent.  Catholics must see the aborted child and their own indifference if they are going to change.

Our enemy is the Culture of Indifference

Pro-life Catholics must have a well thought out plan if they wish to persuade the majority of Catholics to become actively pro-life.

*Religious Group Voting and the 2020 Election,” by Frank Newport, November 13, 2020, (

Do I have to look at these photos?

Yes.  If you’re unwilling to look at these photographs then you cannot show them to others.  We have seen people’s hearts changed by simply one of these pictures.  Are you willing to look at ugly pictures to save lives?  Are you willing to show others ugly pictures to save lives?  Are you willing to ask others to show people ugly pictures in order to save lives?  Is it too much to ask? Please examine the following photos closely and watch the attached videos.

The silent Scream, Part 3

Graphic video of an abortion procedure (

Abortion is Just a Word

Most people (including many pro-life people) have not faced the reality of abortion.  Unless we look at the ugly pictures (and seriously reflect on what they show) our picture of abortion is not crisp and clear.

Many pro-life people will realize that their commitment to defending unborn children is lukewarm if they contrast the actions they have taken to protect “the least among us” with the horror of what has happened to these children.

Please examine the following photos closely and watch the attached video.

What do you think God wants you to do about this great evil?

Who are we?

We are Catholics living in the Atlanta area who have been involved in the pro-life movement for over 20 years.  During this time we have worked to persuade people to choose life at abortion clinics in Atlanta. 

Sadly, we have seen more Catholics enter the abortion clinics than join us to save lives. We are faithful to the Church and believe everything she teaches. 

We have come to realize that the current, gentler strategies for asking people to fight abortion have failed to capture most people’s interest or cause them to take action.

We are faithful to the Church and believe everything she teaches.  Likewise, we are not protesting the Church or even sp protesting ecific churches.

We are not criticizing the motives of our Church leaders.  We simply recognize that their actions have not been effective at making Catholics actively pro-life.

We intend to visit many churches over the next few years.  We are focusing on Catholic churches because our Church is the Church established by Jesus Christ, and its members should be beacons of the Gospel of Life to other Christians and the world.