Black Babies Matter

What was the number one killer of black people in the state of Georgia in 2022?

  • Was it homicide with 928 deaths?
  • Was it diabetes with 1,192 deaths?
  • Was it accidents with 2,085 deaths?
  • Was it heart disease with 2,142 deaths?
  • Was it COVID with 1,512 deaths?
  • Was it cancer with 5,263 deaths?

No, it was abortion.  At least 22,439 blacks died in 2022 in Georgia from abortion (Georgia Department of Public Health).  Abortion accounts for 40.6% of all black deaths in Georgia in 2022.

Abortion is the number one cause of death for blacks in Georgia.

The Impact of Abortion on the Black Community
African Americans make up thirty-three percent of the population in Georgia.  Whites make up sixty percent of the population.  There are almost two whites for every black in Georgia…BUT 72.4% of the abortions in Georgia are performed on African-American women while only 21.8% of the abortions are performed on white women.

A black woman is OVER FIVE TIMES as likely to have an abortion than a white woman.

What about Black Babies?

More than one in three pregnancies (38.6%) among African American women in Georgia end in abortion.  Black babies face death at a much higher rate than white babies, Latino babies, Asian babies, or any other group of babies.

A black baby is almost FOUR TIMES as likely to die from abortion as a white baby.

The Reality of Abortion

Abortion is the ending of the life of a baby.  It is a violent attack on a helpless child. The photos below show the reality of abortion. Please look at them closely.

Why do African-Americans have abortion more often than all other groups?

Obviously, the answer to this question is complex.  There are many factors influencing a woman’s decision to obtain an abortion.  Factors include poverty, marital state, and the level of support from the father, family, and friends.

But one thing separates African Americans from others.

Black Babies have been targeted by racists!

The founders of the abortion movement in the United States, Planned Parenthood, developed a strategy decades ago to make abortion legal and to influence black leaders and the government to encourage black women to abort their children.

We need to defend the children in the African-American community.

Please inform others.



BLACK BABIES MATTER References and Calculations